Desford Flyers
Canopy Moulding
Having spent many fruitless hours trying to form plastic canopies with home made vacuum forming techniques, I eventually succeeded in making this canopy around Frank's plug using the following combination of tools:-
Sawn off sealant gun, staple gun, hot air gun, and domestic fan heater.

The required plastic sheet was 0.6mm PETG.

The trick is to start with a piece of wood attached to the sealant gun which is the same area as the plug. The PETG sheet has to be fastened to the wood securely on all four sides. I started by securing the two ends first, and then heated the sides of the PETG sheet bit by bit with a heat gun, allowing me to fold sections onto the wood and secure them with the staple gun.

Once secured firmly on all four sides the whole area of PETG around the plug can be heated with a domestic fan heater whilst applying firm pressure with the handle of the sealant gun. I used thick gardening gloves because it all gets a bit hot!